Of course, "national" here refers to the United States, but the fact that weddings are being celebrated all over the globe means that sales are also happening worldwide. A small issue remains about the exact date of the bridal sale day, and how the date is determined. We've seen bridal sale day mostly claimed on 15 July 2023.
Clear is that if you plan to use the bridal sales day(s) to buy wedding items on sale, you might want to opt for a wedding date timed after those sales days.
For WeddingFans.asia it really doesn't matter. Get your bamboo wedding fans any day of the year at our workshop-direct super low Worldwide Bridal Sale price.
Do remember that we make your wedding fans on specific order. Production time is about 7-14 days, shipping is 5-84 days depending on shipping method. You can save money by planning ahead, and ordering right from our workshop.
Most important of all, Enjoy your Wedding!